If you are working on moving into Self-Love, start with what you are listening to! We all have inner voices or thoughts constantly flowing through our minds. Much like a radio station or channel we choose to listen to, we choose which voices or thoughts we give our attention to moment by moment. If you are listening to a program that makes you fearful or depressed, most sane people would simply change channels. So why don’t we do that with our…..
We all come into this world fully equipped for the journey before us. Within each of us is a part that remembers it is one with the divine universe and has all the knowledge and power of that love. It is our job to wake up and rediscover this divine part of our ourselves, and through the process of becoming self-aware, we can re-experience the love we once had for ourselves before it got buried by life. When we…..
Which station are you listening to? The quiet, gentle voice of your Higher Self’s that is whispering how much you are loved, or how you are more than good enough, or that you can and will have your heart’s dreams fulfilled? Or The booming voice of the ego that is consistently telling you why you are not lovable, or not good enough, or lists all the reasons you can’t and won’t have your heart’s dreams fulfilled? You have…..
On the path towards SELF-LOVE, you must become SELF-AWARE. Part of that self-awareness is recognizing whose glasses you are viewing yourself or the world through. Whose glasses are you wearing? Are they the glasses of your parents or grandparents? Are they the glasses of your culture or your gender? Are they the glasses of your society or your religion? You have a choice in how you see yourself and the world around you, and it all begins with whose…..
When you reclaim your SELF-LOVE, you realize that you have been gifted with everything you will need for this life. One of those gifts is your HIGHER SELF. It often can feel like we are on a journey with no road map and no matter how hard we try we are unable to see the forest through the trees. But when you allow your Higher Self to be your guide a path begins to reveal itself. Because your…..