A video that highlights why it is essential to meet your emotional body. We all hold unacceptable emotions down, but they go somewhere. Your emotional body is where you hold unprocessed emotions. Unfortunately, many of you hold our emotions down until they begin to leak out into our reality, often causing us to overreact. When we are out of balance, our emotions can not guide us or act as a navigational system. Instead, they have us on edge, waiting to…..
Spiritual CommonSense Radio Show – You can listen to it here if you missed my radio show. I speak with the Author Jean Keegan Daly. We talk about her life and her new book, Reflections Of A Seasoned Soul. She shares stories of using her healing hands on patients she nursed in hospitals and hospice patients. How she has seen those who have passed revisit her, especially when she needs to hear what they have to share. Her dad was initially…..
How to Work With Your Emotions – A video that highlights using your imagination to visualize your emotions. Rather than just shoving down your emotions or vomiting them out onto people around you, using your imagination to see your emotions. I share how I used to see my emotions. So I could understand the feelings around them. Then I can begin to dialogue with my emotions. For example, I used to see my sad feelings as a girl dancing within…..
Own Your Past Behavior – Only when you honestly look at your past “bad” behavior can you change. When you see what your lack of self-love does to your behavior toward others, can you begin to forgive yourself. Once you understand what happens when you feel not lovable, good enough, or not mattering, can you see how the lack of self-love impacts your actions and causes you to hurt other people. Forgiving your so-called negative actions is imperative to finding…..
Understanding Our Emotions – A video that highlights why we must understand our emotions and learn to process our feelings. It is vital to look underneath your emotion that you are comfortable with (most likely anger) and see the hurt or fear that is running it. It is also important to work there rather than just venting your emotions on anyone nearby. We work with our emotions so that we can choose which emotion we want to feel rather than…..
More on Hw To Cry. What do you do if you cannot get yourself to cry? I cannot tell you how many times that happened to me. I call it when you hit a wall. The first thing to do is add music to your meditation. I always played sad or dramatic music when I meditated. It helped me to connect to my emotions. So if you hit a wall on your tears and some music to aid you. It…..
Cry, Cry, Cry – Crying is vital. Video highlights that crying is vital. There is no better way to release emotions than to allow your tears to flow. When you cry you allow space to op[en up within you instead of just shoving down your emotions. When you shove down your emotions, you use your emotional body to stop feeling which then keeps you from also feeling joy and happiness. Being able to cry is a sign of a healthy…..
Transmute with Love – Highlights the importance of using love to counteract your emotions. I have said many times that you have to feel your emotions because only then can you understand yourself and make changes. However, it is imperative that you do not create a loop of the emotion that can happen when you are feeling your feelings. The trick is to feel your emotion for a few moments to understand why you feel the way you do but…..
Stop hiding from emotional situations – A one minute video stressing the importance of no longer running from emotional situations. We must stop avoiding each other when things are sticky or rough. It is time for us to be vulnerable if we want to change our lives for the better. Nothing will transform unless we willingly stop running from each other. It is time to stop hiding from emotional situations. Click here to watch now. …..
A one-minute video stressing the importance that what triggers you emotionally is your homework, not the person who triggered you. If you didn’t have something inside of you that got awakened then you would not have been triggered, to begin with. I hope you enjoy it! Click here to watch now. For more on emotional triggers and healing them check out my book, The Heart Of The Matter. Until next time, be the light…..