FEELS LIKE OLD TIMES A young man writes a “memo” attacking women engineers as being not as bright as men because biology makes them “less”. A candidate running for Congress attacks a man from the press for asking a question he doesn’t like. The white house has close advisors who believe in conspiracies, white nationalism (racism), and that “might makes right.” Certain religious leaders embrace a president who pits Americans against each other for the chance to turn back the…..
Fear only requires one thing – and enemy to focus upon. The man who shot a congressman and others focused his fear on Republicans. The cop who shot a man reaching for his wallet in his car focused his fear upon black men. The man who knifed and killed people in Portland focused his fear upon Muslims. The group of young men who beat and tied to a fence a young gay man focused their fear upon gays. The people who…..
How quickly do you forgive yourself for mistakes? I recently was going through a rough patch for a couple of weeks. During that time, I inadvertently throw out all my marketing materials for my new book, THE HEART OF THE MATTER. When I realized what I had done, I felt very disappointed in myself. How could I be so dumb? How could I just throw money out in the trash! These were the voices that began to loop…..
We are always at a crossroad when it comes to honoring the different paths that our fellow humans are treading. It is part of our evolution in consciousness. Do we choose to love or to fear those that are different than us? The universe does not care if we all believe the same “myths” or move through this world in the same manner. The universe does care however how we handle those differences. While we are…..
The real test of a wise person is what they choose to do in the dark times. It takes a wise person to choose love when fear is all around. It takes a wise person to choose to see goodness when hatred is so visible. It takes a wise person to choose inclusiveness when bigotry is so popular. It takes a wise person to know that if they choose to dance with the darkness they will…..
Much love to Bangladesh. Don’t let those who are bloodthirsty cause you to become like them. Stay rooted in love and have faith that love is the only antidote for hate. Don’t let those who spout we must fight fire with fire convince you that the only way towards peace is with war. In truth, the only way towards peace is through understanding, cooperation, and harmony. Eventually, enough of us on this planet will understand that killing in any form…..