This week’s inspiration is from our childhood. It’s called playtime. Playtime is described as a way to play and to be diverted from your daily routine. But it’s described as something that children do but not adults. We all need playtime. We all need to be diverted from our regular duties or jobs or paying bills and cleaning the house. Whatever you need to do, you need to be diverted and play – play for the simple joy of playtime……
When working on returning to self-love, it’s important to become light-hearted. Now, light-hearted is described as cheerful, hopeful, and enjoying your life, which is the whole point of self-love to enjoy your life. So become light-hearted and know that you being light-hearted may impact those around you or who are a little less than light-hearted. Light-heartedness means you have faith in the loving universe and that the universe is on your side and things will go your way eventually. So…..
When working on returning to self-love, you are going to embrace freedom. Now what do I mean by freedom? I mean freedom from your negative beliefs. Beliefs that keep you small and in a tiny box not allowing you to experience the grandness of this life. Freedom from the negative thoughts you have running in your head every day telling you that you’re not good enough – that you’re less than – that you’re miserable. Freedom from your inner wounds…..
This week’s inspiration is a smiling face. A smiling face says that you have faith in the universe and that you love your life and that you are light-hearted, so to speak. A smiling face is not about how much money you have in your pocket or how many things you own. It’s about how you see yourself and your place in the world. I had a man who lived across the street from me in New York City. A…..
Receive what you desire! When working on returning to self-love, there’s going to become a point that you – receive what you desire. And this is quite fabulous, but you want to take a moment to say thank you when you’re receiving what you desire – I would like more of it. First of all, you’re saying thank you to the universe for helping you co-create this desire that you long for, and you’re also setting up a pattern of wanting…..
When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to become true to yourself. What does that mean to be true to yourself? It means listening to what your heart wants and not going against it. How many times have we said yes to something when we really wanted to say no thanks? I’m not interested. How many times have you done something that you wish you weren’t doing, but you figured it would make somebody else happy? You’ve…..
When working on your way back to self-love, you’re going to have to decide that everything that happens in your life is for goodness. It is for your advantage. That life is in your favor, even if it looks dark as hell. You’re going to have to realize that this is in your favor and you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves and figure out what it’s here to teach you. Perhaps it’s teaching you to change some…..
When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to realize that it’s never too late to receive love. We often put conditions on when we can receive love, and if time has passed, there are many situations that I thought were over because I did not receive the love in the moment. However, once I did my self-love work, I realized I could return to the person and let them know I was ready to receive the love, and nine…..
When working on returning to self-love, you will begin to notice your patterns. We all have patterns that keep reappearing in our lives over and over again until they’re healed. For me, it was jealousy. I always had jealousy in my life. Someone was always angry and jealous of me until I went in and healed that wound. I took my power back from the energy patterns that kept reappearing until they were healed and transformed. They may have new…..
When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to look at your prejudices. Whether it’s towards other races, people who have a different language or religion, or perhaps they’re driving a different truck than you do. Time to look at your Prejudices. For instance, I did not have any particular racial prejudices, but I did have prejudices towards people who drove trucks with Confederate flags on the back. I did have prejudices against supposed rednecks. So I looked…..