When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to look at your fears – all of your fears. Now, a lot of people like to run from their fears. Well, if I don’t look at my fear, it won’t grab me. It won’t take me down. But that’s just not true. Just because you ignore your fear consciously does not mean it’s not impacting you subconsciously. You’re going to have to look at your fears, especially during this…..
When you are working on returning to self-love, you must acknowledge the changes that are happening in your life. Perhaps you have changed a negative belief or healed an old wound; you must recognize the changes- the small changes that come out of that work. If you admit the small changes happening, it will inspire you to keep doing the inner work – to keep changing negative beliefs or heal past wounds. You will experience large changes at some point,…..