This month’s inspiration is a Kierkegaard quote. “Faith sees best in the dark.” Faith is rarely used when experiencing a good life or a successful time or falling in love. However, when we find ourselves in the dark going through tough times, faith steps up beside us -gently holding our hand- so that we know we are not alone. Faith becomes our best friend during these times. It keeps us company, having our back, and reminding us that the good…..
One minute on why you need faith and hope to return to self-love. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time be the light the world needs and have love for all.
We can’t change what we refuse to acknowledge, and we must acknowledge that violence has become a cancer on our country. To keep pretending that violence has not become a constant companion to humanity is allowing the cancer to become malignant. As Americans, we must own the truth, and as “spiritually awakening” individuals, we must take responsibility for our part in the glorifying and normalizing of violence. Why is it our movies are some of the most violent…..
What if you made a reservation at a new restaurant and even preordered the meal but when you arrived there is no one around to seat you or serve you, and frankly you are not sure there is even anyone in the kitchen! This feeling of being forgotten is what it feels like to be in the void. You dared to dream a new dream. You have done what you can both inwardly and outwardly, and now you must…..
When you are in the midst of CREATING A DREAM, it’s much like putting together a great party. You work for weeks on your guest list, the food, the drinks, and the decorations until the day finally arrives. Now all there is to do is wait for the guests and the party to start. But while waiting, IMPATIENCE sneaks in the back door. You figure it is just one more guest, so you ignore IMPATIENCE as he sits in the…..
As you are working on healing and returning to SELF-LOVE, you are going to have periods that you doubt the work. Hey, I thought I healed that so why am I still drawing that same energy in my life? Because healing is done in layers. No one heals wounds that they have been carrying for twenty, thirty, or many more years quickly. It takes time and diligence, and patience. It is easy to believe you have done your work because…..
When we find ourselves in the midst of a crisis or loss, it can difficult to find anything positive about our lives much less the future. I know that when I was in the midst of grieving all the losses that seem to hit me back to back, being positive felt almost impossible. However, I knew it was important to balance my grief and inner work on my wounds with the energy of love and hope. It was not always…..