A one minute video highlights the importance of telling yourself the truth especially during this crisis time. I hope you enjoy it. Click here to watch now. Until net time .be the light the world needs and have love for all.
When someone says, “people don’t change,” what they are really saying is “I don’t and will never change (and you can’t make me).”. The truth is people do change –all the time. Unfortunately, the change is often not noticed because it is more of a deepening of their rigid beliefs and behaviors rather than a change that opens them up to a new perspective and new possibilities. The snotty, bratty kid grows up to be the grumpy, contentious old person……
If you are working on moving into Self-Love, start with what you are listening to! We all have inner voices or thoughts constantly flowing through our minds. Much like a radio station or channel we choose to listen to, we choose which voices or thoughts we give our attention to moment by moment. If you are listening to a program that makes you fearful or depressed, most sane people would simply change channels. So why don’t we do that with our…..
**Self-Love or the lack of Self-Love not only determines how we see ourselves but also governs how we experience the world around us. It is the prism through which we see and define all things So why do so few of us see Self-Love as the starting point to our inner and outer health?** Self-love means just that –love towards self. So I ask you… Are you kind with yourself? Are you compassionate with yourself? Are you patient with…..
Starting in just a few days and for a limited time $.099 CENTS FOR THE EBOOK VERSION OF MY NEW BOOK. This special deal is only for 4 days! THE HEART OF THE MATTER ( A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-love) I will let everyone know when it is up on Amazon. Here is the book blurb: You can do all the programming, affirmations, and…..
Self-love means practicing the art of receiving. If you want to feel loved and give from a place of that love, you must be willing to receive love, which means you must learn how to offer love to yourself. Compliment yourself when you do something well. Offer forgiveness to yourself when you feel you have done something wrong or “bad.” Congratulate yourself when you take a risk (no matter how it turned out). Have compassion for yourself when you act out…..
What if you made a reservation at a new restaurant and even preordered the meal but when you arrived there is no one around to seat you or serve you, and frankly you are not sure there is even anyone in the kitchen! This feeling of being forgotten is what it feels like to be in the void. You dared to dream a new dream. You have done what you can both inwardly and outwardly, and now you must…..
How good are you at imagining the worst-case scenarios? How good are you at using your emotions to build up fear or anger or despair? There is nothing magical about how about how we create our lives. When we combine imagination with intense emotion we naturally draw the experiences into our lives that match that vibration. So whether you know it or not you have been a master at creating all of your life. However, what do you think would…..
You have everything you need inside of you for a successful life. However, you may need to do some digging to unearth it. Just like an archeologist on a dig, you may not be aware of what is underneath the surface till you search for it. It may take some time removing the dirt and debris that has collected while no one was paying attention. It may take tremendous faith to keep digging while those around you have their…..