Too often we look outside of ourselves for proof of our value or worth. Do you look to others to offer you the appreciation for a job well done? Do you dissect the words offered or sometimes withheld as evidence to whether you are good enough? Do you constantly look to others to make you feel good about yourself? And are you disappointed or outraged when they do not? You may demand that others recognize your value or…..
Is your SELF-LOVE based on an action such as taking a spa day or eating only organic or buying yourself something you have wanted? Is your SELF-LOVE based on your achievements, or how your friends or workmates view you? Is your SELF-LOVE based on your looks or physical appearance? Is your SELF-LOVE based on how many friends you have in your life or how many likes you have on Facebook? If your self-love relies on outside indicators, you are…..
When your being is rooted in the truth of self-love, you are free to blossom into who you were always meant to be. An orchid doesn’t dream to be something different. It doesn’t compare itself to a rose. It doesn’t try to prove its worth. It doesn’t doubt its beauty. It doesn’t look to be something other than what it is. While an orchid may start out fragile and need tender care to be all that it can…..
One of the fundamental cornerstones for living spiritually authentic is practicing self-love. For many of us, this can be challenging for the simple fact that it takes a certain amount of insight and wisdom to acknowledge that we lack in self-love and to know how to remedy it. We have been taught to look outward for proof of our value, worth, and lovability. The problem with that is that you will never believe you are valuable, worthy or lovable if…..