Becoming your authentic self More and more people say the phrase – I want to become my authentic self. But what does it mean to BE your authentic self, and what must you Do? I answer the 2nd part of that question first. What you must do to become your authentic self means you learn to love yourself – unconditionally. Lacking in self-love to having self-love However, You will not go from having little to overflowing with self-love in a…..
Authentic Self highlights the importance of taking the inner journey of self-discovery and the gifts you will find. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
On the road to SELF-LOVE, you will rediscover many gifts that you may have forgotten you possessed. One of these gifts is the ability to play and laugh. A sacred energy much needed at this time in our world. Nothing can lift a mood or bring people together quicker than playing and laughing together. When is the last time you looked at play and laughter as sacred and included it as part of your daily practice of growth and awareness?…..
How well do you really know yourself? “Living authentically” or “living my best version” has become a catch phrase in our culture. These ideas are no longer relegated to those of us in the new age or new spiritual- thought movements. The concept has gone mainstream. I can’t tell you how many ads I see playing on this idea. Live your best self, BUY this and it will get you there. I hear it often used by people on TV…..