When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to find your way back to acceptance. I was recently talking to a group of people a group of transgender people and how they feel they don’t get any acceptance. I had to remind them that acceptance starts within. It doesn’t matter if someone else accepts you because what they’re showing you is their lack of self-love. Acceptance starts within. You’ve got to go within and get to know yourself – all…..
Unexpected blessings and compliments. The video stresses why we must stop saying no to the goodness being offered to us. It is the way the universe talks to us to remind us that we matter. Do you say no to compliments? Why would you say no to a genuine compliment to lift you and remind you that you are lovable, loving, and loved? Why would you say no to unexpected blessings? Unexpected blessing re the way the universe uses other…..
One minute on accepting other’s paths. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
When someone says, “people don’t change,” what they are really saying is “I don’t and will never change (and you can’t make me).”. The truth is people do change –all the time. Unfortunately, the change is often not noticed because it is more of a deepening of their rigid beliefs and behaviors rather than a change that opens them up to a new perspective and new possibilities. The snotty, bratty kid grows up to be the grumpy, contentious old person……
Time to quit shaming people for not waking up on your schedule. It is hard not to lose your way with all the heated rhetoric. Yes, you must stand up for what you feel is morally good and loving. But what happens to that good and loving stance when you meet someone who was slow to come around? I watched different panels on TV berate a young man who had had the courage to admit he had made a mistake…..