When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to stop comparing yourself to other people. You’re no longer 13 years old and no longer an adolescent. And all it does is make you feel bad. There’s always going to be people who have more money, a better job, or a bigger house. Comparing yourself to other people is the quickest way to make yourself feel worse. Plus, you have no idea what was going on behind closed doors……
Do You Appreciate You? When you are working on returning to self-love you are going to have to learn self-appreciation. Self-Appreciation allows you to celebrate who you are in this world. Instead of being trapped in judgment and criticism, you begin to appreciate yourself just the way you are. I did not always appreciate being me. I criticized and judge everything I did. And because I did this I judged and criticized others as well. However, when I focused my…..
Spiritual CommonSense#9 Show. Hey if you missed my Spiritual CommonSense #9 show, you can listen to it now. It was by far my best show yet! I do a great interview. I do my best “This Inspires Me” segment. And my spiritual homework anyone can do to improve their lives. Interview with Steve Pieters I start out Spiritual CommonSense #9 show discussing how the universe always seems to force you to change your mind whether it was about vaccines, situations,…..
Mistakes vs. Regrets. We all make mistakes but when they become regrets they harm us. Regrets are the way the negative ego holds you down. When you have regrets you are stuck in shame or guilt for simply a mistake and then the negative ego has you in its hold. Use compassion to find forgiveness. Remember what you felt when you made the mistake. Either you were lacking in self-love or just inexperienced and so learning is needed. Mistakes are…..
You are so loved. The universe sees you as valuable and that you matter – not for what you have done -not for what you will do but because you are you! It does not matter what you do on the planet. You may do absolutely nothing but the fact you are here means you matter. Your energy on this planet matters. You do not have to do anything to earn it or deserve it. You are so loved because…..
You have a loving heart. This video stresses that you were born with a loving heart waiting to be uniquely expressed through you. It is part of your spiritual DNA. A beneficial heart can have walls built around it so you cannot be hurt but at the core, it is still a beneficial heart wanting to be expressed rather it is through relationships, business, or creativity. And how you express your heart is always good enough to the universe. When…..
You are Lovable – Highlights that you are lovable in the universe’s eyes simply because you exist – no exemptions, no exceptions. It is not about who loves you. It is about you loving yourself. Self-love is about the self. I offer meditation tips as well. I talk about how my guides appeared and cheered for me, how they hugged me and told me how wonderful I am and how it touched my heart. You are lovable, but no one…..
Stop hiding from emotional situations – A one minute video stressing the importance of no longer running from emotional situations. We must stop avoiding each other when things are sticky or rough. It is time for us to be vulnerable if we want to change our lives for the better. Nothing will transform unless we willingly stop running from each other. It is time to stop hiding from emotional situations. Click here to watch now. …..
Interview on common sense and what self-love has to do with it. I hope you enjoy it Click here to listen now Until next time be the light the world needs and have love for all.
BLUEINK EDITORIAL REVIEW -MAY 2017 “To appreciate The Heart of the Matter: A Workbook and Guide to Finding Your Way Back to Self-Love is to understand what it’s not: a memoir, study of psychological issues, or clinical, therapeutic tome. It is, instead, an interactive workbook based on spiritual author Joffre McClung’s self-discoveries, which began when her best friend was dying of cancer and culminated in her first book, written to heal from her devastating loss, How Learning to Say Goodbye…..