When you’re working on returning to self-love, you’re going to something quite tremendous. You have the power to change yourself. Now most of us have been taught that people don’t change. But in truth, if you’re willing to do the inner work, you can change yourself. You have the power to change. I was recently talking to someone who had not been a good father. Now when I said do it now. He said it was too late. If you…..
When you are working on returning to self-love, you are going to discover something quite tremendous. You have the power to change yourself. Now, most of us have been taught that people don’t change. But in truth, if you are willing to do the inner work, you can change yourself. I recently was talking to someone who had not been a good father. When I said do it now, they said it is too late. If you still have breath…..
One minute video on your power to change. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
When someone says, “people don’t change,” what they are really saying is “I don’t and will never change (and you can’t make me).”. The truth is people do change –all the time. Unfortunately, the change is often not noticed because it is more of a deepening of their rigid beliefs and behaviors rather than a change that opens them up to a new perspective and new possibilities. The snotty, bratty kid grows up to be the grumpy, contentious old person……
Time to quit shaming people for not waking up on your schedule. It is hard not to lose your way with all the heated rhetoric. Yes, you must stand up for what you feel is morally good and loving. But what happens to that good and loving stance when you meet someone who was slow to come around? I watched different panels on TV berate a young man who had had the courage to admit he had made a mistake…..
Life is full of change. No matter our circumstances, we all are going to have to deal with Change. Whether the change is welcomed or not, change often knocks us off balance. It is understandable that a change that appears to take something from us can cause us to stress. And yes, sometimes the change just sucks, at least at the moment. However, a change that adds something to our lives can just as easily make us…..
Do you believe it can be different this time? When working on SELF-LOVE and changing your beliefs that came out of a lack of SELF-LOVE, it is important to remember to change one very crucial belief born out of that lack – that nothing is ever going to change for me. If you have lived on this planet for a while, you most likely have experienced disappointments and failures. Some of us more than others know how hard it…..