This is the month that we celebrate our freedom. It is a time for parades, picnics, and fireworks. All of these things are fun and add much joy to our lives. But, first, I hope we take a moment and celebrate our democracy. It is something we should be very proud of and – rejoice that we have done it now for over 200 years. Celebrate our democracy as the dark yells louder. The light gets brighter, but we need…..
Do You Respect You? Many people complain that other people do not respect them. I ask do you have self-respect, or are you looking for it from others? Unfortunately, many are looking for it from others. Everything starts with the self -self-love, including self-compassion, self-gratitude, and, yes, self-respect. Do you honor your feelings? What about your boundaries? Do you listen to what your mind is saying to you or your heart? I had a friend who proved my point……