When working on returning back to self-love, you’re going to have to take your honesty to a new level. Most of us spend most of our lives lying to ourselves. It’s time to be honest with yourself. If you find that you’re angry with other people or cussing them out – telling them to screw off, you need to look underneath your anger. Because underneath your anger is what you need to heal. It is most likely hurt or fear……
Be Brutally Honest – In order to find self-love, you are going to have to be honest. If it is a belief then understanding why you believe it. Who told you it was true? Is it still working in your favor? If your inner committee is active and making you judge or criticize yourself or judge and criticize another person, you have to be honest. Tell yourself that your inner committee is on overdrive and needs some of your attention…..
A one minute video highlighting why self-love means we must practice a new level of honesty with ourselves. We can no longer blame others for what we feel, but we must own our feelings are our homework. When we own our feelings then we can make great changes within ourselves. Click here to watch now. If you want more information on self-love, check out my book The Heart Of The Matter. Until next…..