How is love described? Love is described in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. Now how is friendship described? Friendship is described as a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. Affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust. I think those words defiantly describe how I see love – at least for now. We look for others to show us affection, esteem or intimacy, or trust so that we know we are not as bad as our…..
On the road to SELF-LOVE, you will rediscover many gifts that you may have forgotten you possessed. One of these gifts is the ability to play and laugh. A sacred energy much needed at this time in our world. Nothing can lift a mood or bring people together quicker than playing and laughing together. When is the last time you looked at play and laughter as sacred and included it as part of your daily practice of growth and awareness?…..
On the road to self-love, you will reawaken many gifts that you may have forgotten you possessed. One of these gifts is the ability to play and laugh. When is the last time you looked at play as sacred and included it as part of your daily practice of growth and awareness? Perhaps you believe that it is useless and only for children. Would you change your mind if you realized that the energies that are inherent in play are…..