A video that highlights why it is essential to meet your emotional body. We all hold unacceptable emotions down, but they go somewhere. Your emotional body is where you hold unprocessed emotions. Unfortunately, many of you hold our emotions down until they begin to leak out into our reality, often causing us to overreact. When we are out of balance, our emotions can not guide us or act as a navigational system. Instead, they have us on edge, waiting to…..
Meet Your Higher Self (A piece of the divine)- I discuss in this video how we all have a higher self. It does not matter what religion you practice – What Faith you follow – We all have a Higher Self. Your “piece of the divine” can see the forest and the trees at the same time. It can see 360 degrees and always loves you unconditionally. I ask the listener to use their imagination (one of their tools) to…..
A one minute video stressing the importance of not comparing yourself to others. You have no idea what is going on behind closed doors and all it does is make you feel bad. Only compare yourself with yourself. I hope you enjoy it! Click here to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
One minute video on why it is so important to get your heart and mind in synch. I hope you enjoy it. Click here to watch now Until next time be the light the world needs and have love for all.
Why is it so important to know and love yourself? There is only one person that is going to travel with you through your entire life’s journey, and that is YOU. Can you imagine if a friend told they were going to take a lifetime trip with someone they don’t know and are not sure they love? You would tell them they are crazy. You would kindly explain that they couldn’t take such a long trip with someone…..
When you receive a compliment, do you allow yourself to receive the affirming energy or do you push it away? Underneath any genuine compliment is the energy of love and acceptance: Energies that are necessary components to building and maintaining a strong foundation of self-love. So why do we often refuse to receive that love and acceptance when the universe offers that reflection through another’s words? Is it just our attempt at putting up modest front and if so, why…..