Foes are our best friends. When you are working on returning to self-love, something a little unusual will happen to you. You are suddenly going to realize that your foes – those supposed enemies – on a soul level are really your best friends. Now, these people are the ones who separate you from your feelings of self-love. Foes kept you from feeling valuable – that you mattered and that you were good enough. Foes are your best friend. They…..
When working on returning to self-love, you will have to learn to accept yourself. I was recently talking with a group of people- transgender people about the need for acceptance. This group said they don’t feel accepted by other people. I had to remind them that acceptance starts within. It does not matter if others accept you. Because their lack of willingness to accept other people is a sign of them, in truth, lacking in self-love To learn to accept…..
When working on returning to self-love, you must embrace your flaws . When I was younger, I had a speech impediment. I could not say my Ms, Ns, Ps, or Ts. I was literally tongue-tied. Luckily, I had an operation later in life to take care of this issue. But because I had this impediment, I did not speak or read well. That is one of the reasons I loved acting. You could memorize your lines, and my feeling of…..
When returning to self-love, you must pay attention to your thoughts. So, what fear or feeling caused you to be triggered and have a problematic reaction? Only by becoming aware of your thoughts and what triggered you to have those thoughts can you begin to understand yourself better. And only then can you begin to heal your past wounds. . What triggered it? Allowing your thoughts to have free range. Understand those thoughts that float by are fine, but it…..
This week’s inspiration is a list Who is on the list Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Stephen King, Jim Carey, and Walt Disney are all on the list that inspires me. Not for what they have done but what they all overcame. From being told they were not good enough by publishers- Stephen King – to not having enough imagination – Walt Disney – they all rose above their past. The list proves that hard Times define us The hard times…..
I was recently listening to a discussion on racism and the reasons for it. The number one reason given was fear: Fear of the unknown; Fear of losing power; Fear of losing what little one has. While I can certainly agree with all of these statements, I would like to add another to the mix: Fear that I am not good enough. In my explorations of Self-Love, I discovered and strongly believe many of us are walking around doing everything…..
HOW DO YOU DEFINE SELF-LOVE I was telling someone about the book I had written recently on self-love ( The Heart of the Matter) when they quickly cut me off and said that is the last thing we need. The younger generation is completely self-absorbed. I remember being in my 20’s and hearing that same concern about my generation – we were dubbed the ME generation. Since I was more interested in talking about Self-Love and not about what is wrong with…..
We seem to be getting a lesson in how not to take responsibility. In fact, I would go so far as to say we see a master class in deflecting and projecting every day in our politics. Two techniques used by the negative ego to keep us separated from our authentic power and our inner truth. Part of evolving in consciousness means you must take responsibility for all aspects of your life. You cannot be an empowered conscious person and NOT…..
We are seeing a lot of reprehensible actions and behaviors that have been thriving in the shadows suddenly being forced into the daylight. Whether it is our politicians, our media figures, or our titans of industry, it appears the jig is up. Some feel that everything is falling apart because of this, but I see it slightly differently. I see it as part of our growth and evolution in consciousness. I see it as a good thing – a necessary…..
I am watching the divide happening in our world and the instigators of this divide practicing an ancient but reliable form of control: Divide and Conquer. Now we all know this method of war from school but what about how it is being played out within ourselves? What you see playing in the outer world always is being played out in our inner world as well. How many times have you had a dream that…..