Listen to my enlightening conversation on why everyone needs self-love. Whether you are Transgender, Gay, Straight, Black, White or Purple, everyone needs self-love. I hope you enjoy this and it opens your mind and heart. Click here to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
Watch now my interview on self-love. While it is to celebrate the Transgender people, it truly is for anyone looking to expand their sense of self-love. I think you will enjoy it.Click to watch now Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
Listen to my interview on Dec 23rd, I will be talking about Self-love and how it is not only important to the transgender people but how everyone needs it. There will be over 10 speakers sharing their wisdom. Sign up now so you can hear all the interviews! I hope you enjoy the series. Click to sign up now