We seem to be getting a lesson in how not to take responsibility. In fact, I would go so far as to say we see a master class in deflecting and projecting every day in our politics. Two techniques used by the negative ego to keep us separated from our authentic power and our inner truth. Part of evolving in consciousness means you must take responsibility for all aspects of your life. You cannot be an empowered conscious person and NOT…..
We are seeing a lot of reprehensible actions and behaviors that have been thriving in the shadows suddenly being forced into the daylight. Whether it is our politicians, our media figures, or our titans of industry, it appears the jig is up. Some feel that everything is falling apart because of this, but I see it slightly differently. I see it as part of our growth and evolution in consciousness. I see it as a good thing – a necessary…..
Fear only requires one thing – and enemy to focus upon. The man who shot a congressman and others focused his fear on Republicans. The cop who shot a man reaching for his wallet in his car focused his fear upon black men. The man who knifed and killed people in Portland focused his fear upon Muslims. The group of young men who beat and tied to a fence a young gay man focused their fear upon gays. The people who…..
FEAR seems to be running rampant these days. Whether it is fear of terrorists, “other” religions, immigrants, people whose skin color are different than ours, people who are wealthy, people who are poor, those who don’t speak our language, those from different countries, or those who belong to an opposing political party fear is everywhere. Fear always offers us an endless array of individuals and groups to lay blame at their feet for our fear or pain. But if…..
On the road to SELF-LOVE, you must come to the realization that no one is doing anything to you. Whether it is good, bad, or something in-between, you are doing it to yourself. It can be a hard one to own, but it is the truth. You are in charge of your life! You decide what you think and feel moment by moment. You decide if life is joyous or a grind. You decide if you are…..
When we make decisions out of fear, no one wins! When was the last time you let fear dictate your actions? How did it turn out? Did it make your life better? Did it open you up to experiencing or creating more love in your life? Did it make you actually safer? Did it get you what you wanted? Fear is never the energy you want deciding your fate. It will only constrict your ability to see…..
How would your life change if you understood that experiencing a loss was actually an opportunity to discover your power? LOSS SUCKS. It does not matter if it is a loss of a person, a dream, a relationship, or a job. It is painful and frightening. It can often feel as if you have entered a vast wasteland never to return. If you have experienced a loss, you know that every part of your being will be activated……