What beliefs need changing? When working on returning to self-love, you, of course, have to get to know yourself. And one of the easiest ways of getting to know yourself is to ask yourself the question, why do I believe what I believe? Did my parents teach me that? Did my teachers teach me that? My friends did they teach me that? When you look at what you believe and who told you that you get to decide, does this…..
When you are returning to self-love, you are going to have to look at your beliefs – both positive and negative belief systems. You are going to have to start dissecting them- looking at them. Wondering how long you have carried them? Are they helping you or hurting you? You are going to have to become curious about why you believe what you believe. And why do you still hang on to it even when it may be harmful to…..
Change Your Negative Beliefs In this video, I stress why you need to change your negative beliefs instead of making resolutions you rarely keep. Elephant Story In changing your negative beliefs, I share a story about elephants and how a small rope kept them from running away. This begins on babies, and as they grow up the same rope is used. Knowing they can not break free as babies, they assume they cannot as adults. They end up having a…..
Spiritual CommonSense #13 Show. Listen to my first shown of the year 2022 – Spiritual CommomnSense #13 show. It will educate you and hopefully spur you to make changes. Interview with Author Michael Shevack I have a deep and enlightening conversation with the author Michael Shevack about his book Soul Lessons From The Wizard Of Oz ( How to Follow Your Yellow Brick Road). First, we cover how Pooh helped him accept the downloaded info on the OZ book. Then, we…..
What do you believe about self-love? This video stresses the importance of everyone finding self-love – for themselves as well as for the world. To learn to be in love with oneself, to be delighted by oneself, and to enjoy being who you are. Highlights going into meditation to discover what you believe about self-love. Is it selfish? Does it take you away from loving other people? Is it your right to love yourself? This video asks you to understand…..
A one minute video stressing the importance of constantly expanding the box you live with by changing your beliefs. YOu can always make your beliefs more loving and expansive. I hope you enjoy it> Click Here To Watch Now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
A one minute video on why it is important to ask yourself a specific question. I hope you enjoy it! Click here to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
A one minute video on why doing just affirmations is not enough. I hope You enjoy it! Click Here To Watch Now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
One minute on why you need to know what you believe. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.