When working on returning to self-love, there will come a point when you have to heal your emotional triggers. Now, we all get triggered in the outside world. Someone pushes your emotional button, someone says the wrong thing, or someone really bugs you. Well, there will come a point where you have to own that this is your emotional homework, not the person who’s triggering you. So, heal your emotional triggers. That’s the only reason you’re responding to the trigger……
Understand your triggers. When working on returning to self-love, you are going to have to pay attention to what your thoughts are. Pay attention when you get triggered by fear or when you get triggered to react to someone. What triggered that reaction? What triggered that fear? Work on it when you get home. You don’t need to work at it at work, – or at school – or wherever you are. But you need to pay attention to what…..
Own Your Past Behavior – Only when you honestly look at your past “bad” behavior can you change. When you see what your lack of self-love does to your behavior toward others, can you begin to forgive yourself. Once you understand what happens when you feel not lovable, good enough, or not mattering, can you see how the lack of self-love impacts your actions and causes you to hurt other people. Forgiving your so-called negative actions is imperative to finding…..
A one-minute video stressing the importance that what triggers you emotionally is your homework, not the person who triggered you. If you didn’t have something inside of you that got awakened then you would not have been triggered, to begin with. I hope you enjoy it! Click here to watch now. For more on emotional triggers and healing them check out my book, The Heart Of The Matter. Until next time, be the light…..