When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to look at your fears – all of your fears. Now, a lot of people like to run from their fears. Well, if I don’t look at my fear, it won’t grab me. It won’t take me down. But that’s just not true. Just because you ignore your fear consciously does not mean it’s not impacting you subconsciously. You’re going to have to look at your fears, especially during this…..
Part of the journey of self-love is understanding that you come into this world fully equipped for the journey before you. In truth, it does not matter what challenges you face. Or what obstacles appear in your life. You truly have been given everything you need to deal with it. However, Once you know that, you begin to understand how much the universe loves you. And has given you everything you possibly need to have a fruitful, joyful life. You…..