A SOULFUL NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Make 2017 the year you take back your power. By choosing to see the light even when you are told there is only darkness. By choosing to see all humanity as kin even when you are told some must be your enemy. By choosing to believe in the beauty of humanity even while you are often only shown the horrors. By choosing to have faith in the power of the heart even…..
The postive energy that you feel is lacking in the world must be the energy you consciously work with daily in your own life. If you feel no one is listening to one another, practice listening to those all around you especially those with whom you disagree. If you feel there is not enough kindness in the world, practice kindness with yourself and with all those around you especially those you aren’t sure deserve it. If…..
Which station are you listening to? The quiet, gentle voice of your Higher Self’s that is whispering how much you are loved, or how you are more than good enough, or that you can and will have your heart’s dreams fulfilled? Or The booming voice of the ego that is consistently telling you why you are not lovable, or not good enough, or lists all the reasons you can’t and won’t have your heart’s dreams fulfilled? You have…..
On the path towards SELF-LOVE, you must become SELF-AWARE. Part of that self-awareness is recognizing whose glasses you are viewing yourself or the world through. Whose glasses are you wearing? Are they the glasses of your parents or grandparents? Are they the glasses of your culture or your gender? Are they the glasses of your society or your religion? You have a choice in how you see yourself and the world around you, and it all begins with whose…..
When you walk through the world with your past wounds driving the train, your only destination is surviving. When you pack your bags for your trip with all your grievances and anger, you have just bought a ticket to struggle. When you refuse to notice the beautiful landscape passing you by, you have already arrived at the end of the journey with nothing to show for it. But… When you take responsibility and heal your…..