When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to realize a vital fact – that love is always present. Love is always present, especially in the darker times. I can speak the truth of this because I experienced this myself when I helped my mother, my best friend, and my aunt pass on. I was in a dark space, but I was still able to connect to love – to let it wash over me. Let it wrap its arms…..
When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to realize that it’s never too late to receive love. We often put conditions on when we can receive love, and if time has passed, there are many situations that I thought were over because I did not receive the love in the moment. However, once I did my self-love work, I realized I could return to the person and let them know I was ready to receive the love, and nine…..
When working on returning to self-love, you’re gonna realize one important fact: all the work you’re doing – all the healing you’re doing – all of the negative beliefs that you’re changing – all the orphans that you’re healing and bringing forward – all the work you’re doing inwardly is to receive love. In truth, everything else is window dressing. We remove our walls from our hearts to receive love. We change our negative beliefs to make them more loving…..
When working on returning to self-love, you have to understand the fundamental part of self-love is love. Self-love is about loving you. It’s not about receiving love from other people. It’s about tapping into the love that resides within your heart. Self-love is about loving you. Now, this can seem easy to a lot of people, but I found that people are able to tap into their anger or rage, or their fear. However, when it comes to tapping into…..
Understand love is a circle. When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to understand that love is a circle. Yes, you’re going to have to be able to give love, but you’re also going to have to be able to receive love in order to be whole. Giving love is tremendously powerful, but to receive love is the first thing you did on this planet as a small child when you were born. You received love for…..
When you are working on finding yourself, you are going to have to become your own best friend. Self-love is about love and learning how to love yourself. Now that doesn’t mean going to the spa or eating well, going to the gym, or setting boundaries. That’s mnt saying that all of these things are not good. They are all very good things to do, but they are not really about loving yourself. Self-love is about learning how to love…..
Three people who lacked self-love. They forgot that love is contagious. In the last few years, I have had the privilege of being with three loved ones as they faced the end of their lives. Two died in their senior years, and one, decades too soon. As each one reflected on their lives, such as the mistakes they thought they had made, the things they wish they had done and didn’t, as well as things they wish they hadn’t done…..
How is love described? Love is described in the dictionary as an intense feeling of deep affection. Now how is friendship described? Friendship is described as a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. Affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust. I think those words defiantly describe how I see love – at least for now. We look for others to show us affection, esteem or intimacy, or trust so that we know we are not as bad as our…..
Love is always present. It is easy to connect to love during the good times but what when it is darker times? Do you connect to love then? Or do you feel all alone with no love or help available? Love is always present – especially during the darker times. I experienced this during my 8-year period of loss and grief. I was able to go within and connect with the love that resides within all of our hearts. I…..
Transmute with Love – Highlights the importance of using love to counteract your emotions. I have said many times that you have to feel your emotions because only then can you understand yourself and make changes. However, it is imperative that you do not create a loop of the emotion that can happen when you are feeling your feelings. The trick is to feel your emotion for a few moments to understand why you feel the way you do but…..