I was recently listening to a discussion on racism and the reasons for it. The number one reason given was fear: Fear of the unknown; Fear of losing power; Fear of losing what little one has. While I can certainly agree with all of these statements, I would like to add another to the mix: Fear that I am not good enough. In my explorations of Self-Love, I discovered and strongly believe many of us are walking around doing everything…..
HOW DO YOU DEFINE SELF-LOVE I was telling someone about the book I had written recently on self-love ( The Heart of the Matter) when they quickly cut me off and said that is the last thing we need. The younger generation is completely self-absorbed. I remember being in my 20’s and hearing that same concern about my generation – we were dubbed the ME generation. Since I was more interested in talking about Self-Love and not about what is wrong with…..
Too often we look outside of ourselves for proof of our value or worth. Do you look to others to offer you the appreciation for a job well done? Do you dissect the words offered or sometimes withheld as evidence to whether you are good enough? Do you constantly look to others to make you feel good about yourself? And are you disappointed or outraged when they do not? You may demand that others recognize your value or…..
There are times in life when we are all unsure of what our next move should be. We know we long for a change or something new but are unclear on what to do. It is at those times of uncertainty when we must follow what excites us. A feeling of excitement is your heart shouting YES! You may not know exactly how to get from point A to point B, but if you trust the message from…..
SELF-LOVE is easy when life seems to be going your way. The challenge is to stay in self-love when your life appears to be falling apart. It is only then that you will see the real beauty of your courage to love yourself when there is no outside reason to do so. SELF-LOVE has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening on the outside and everything do with what is happening on the inside. Make this the year…..
A SOULFUL NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Make 2017 the year you take back your power. By choosing to see the light even when you are told there is only darkness. By choosing to see all humanity as kin even when you are told some must be your enemy. By choosing to believe in the beauty of humanity even while you are often only shown the horrors. By choosing to have faith in the power of the heart even…..
PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARDS MEN. As the light returns and the nights begin to grow shorter, let your light shine for all to see. The world needs your heart. So offer it freely to all you meet with no exceptions. Then and only then can “Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men” become our truth. It begins with you! You are more powerful than you realize. Your heart can change the world. Peace and Love to all. …..
The real test of a wise person is what they choose to do in the dark times. It takes a wise person to choose love when fear is all around. It takes a wise person to choose to see goodness when hatred is so visible. It takes a wise person to choose inclusiveness when bigotry is so popular. It takes a wise person to know that if they choose to dance with the darkness they will…..
SELF-LOVE is about valuing you not for what you can or will do but for the fact that you are you. Just be YOU and LOVE being YOU! It is more than good enough. And know by doing so, you have fulfilled the only requirement for living a successful life. So love yourself and honor that love in all that you do. It is worth more than all the riches in the world. Until next time…..
As you are working on healing and returning to SELF-LOVE, you are going to have periods that you doubt the work. Hey, I thought I healed that so why am I still drawing that same energy in my life? Because healing is done in layers. No one heals wounds that they have been carrying for twenty, thirty, or many more years quickly. It takes time and diligence, and patience. It is easy to believe you have done your work because…..