A one minute video on why it is important to ask yourself a specific question. I hope you enjoy it! Click here to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
It might surprise you what I am most grateful for! I am grateful for the difficult people in my life because they forced me to look within and discover what needed to change. I may not have liked it at the time, but it was a gift. I am grateful for the “dark nights of the soul”, which shook me to my core forcing me to throw out the inner junk and rebuild a stronger more loving…..
Believe it or not, sometimes it is good to embrace ignorance. I was recently talking with a friend about statistics. She was appalled over some statics she had heard concerning women. I won’t go over them here because I don’t want to put any limits or negativity in people’s heads but lets just they were grim. The conversation got me thinking about the times I had dared to do things that I am sure if I had seen statistics on…..
I was recently listening to a discussion on racism and the reasons for it. The number one reason given was fear: Fear of the unknown; Fear of losing power; Fear of losing what little one has. While I can certainly agree with all of these statements, I would like to add another to the mix: Fear that I am not good enough. In my explorations of Self-Love, I discovered and strongly believe many of us are walking around doing everything…..
HOW DO YOU DEFINE SELF-LOVE I was telling someone about the book I had written recently on self-love ( The Heart of the Matter) when they quickly cut me off and said that is the last thing we need. The younger generation is completely self-absorbed. I remember being in my 20’s and hearing that same concern about my generation – we were dubbed the ME generation. Since I was more interested in talking about Self-Love and not about what is wrong with…..
I AM SORRY As I have written several times over the last few months, our world is offering us a big fat mirror to see our selves, our negative egos, and our shadows. It doesn’t matter your beliefs or affiliations. The mirror does not discriminate. It simply reflects exactly what is put in front of it. This time it is reflecting the inability or reluctance to say three little but powerful words, I am sorry. Part of…..
We seem to be getting a lesson in how not to take responsibility. In fact, I would go so far as to say we see a master class in deflecting and projecting every day in our politics. Two techniques used by the negative ego to keep us separated from our authentic power and our inner truth. Part of evolving in consciousness means you must take responsibility for all aspects of your life. You cannot be an empowered conscious person and NOT…..
We are seeing a lot of reprehensible actions and behaviors that have been thriving in the shadows suddenly being forced into the daylight. Whether it is our politicians, our media figures, or our titans of industry, it appears the jig is up. Some feel that everything is falling apart because of this, but I see it slightly differently. I see it as part of our growth and evolution in consciousness. I see it as a good thing – a necessary…..
We can’t change what we refuse to acknowledge, and we must acknowledge that violence has become a cancer on our country. To keep pretending that violence has not become a constant companion to humanity is allowing the cancer to become malignant. As Americans, we must own the truth, and as “spiritually awakening” individuals, we must take responsibility for our part in the glorifying and normalizing of violence. Why is it our movies are some of the most violent…..
I am watching the divide happening in our world and the instigators of this divide practicing an ancient but reliable form of control: Divide and Conquer. Now we all know this method of war from school but what about how it is being played out within ourselves? What you see playing in the outer world always is being played out in our inner world as well. How many times have you had a dream that…..