The strongest person in the room is not the one who has the biggest bank account. The strongest person in the room is not the one who has the grandest title. The strongest person in the room is not the one who loudly sings their own praises. The strongest person in the room is the one who has learned through Self-Love to have an open heart and is willing to quietly share that open heart with the weakest…..
Why do we listen to our heads and not our hearts? Why do so few allow their hearts to be the compass they were meant to be? Why do so many see the heart as weak or untrustworthy? Deep within your heart is a remembrance that you are cherished, valued, and loved. Your heart knows there is nothing in your makeup that is wrong or unlovable. Your heart knows your dreams and hopes and has kept them safe…..
The only thing more powerful than darkness and hatred is light and love. We have a choice today and every day to choose love and light. Don’t let your fear make that choice for you. Never is it more important than when we feel as if we are being devoured by the clouds of fear, intolerance, and hatred to turn our attention to the light. Some will shout that we must fight hate with hate to keep ourselves safe. They…..
One of the fundamental cornerstones for living spiritually authentic is practicing self-love. For many of us, this can be challenging for the simple fact that it takes a certain amount of insight and wisdom to acknowledge that we lack in self-love and to know how to remedy it. We have been taught to look outward for proof of our value, worth, and lovability. The problem with that is that you will never believe you are valuable, worthy or lovable if…..