When you’re working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to receive love unconditionally. You don’t need to ask forgiveness for something you’ve done in order to receive it. And you don’t have to be forgiven for being born! You just need to receive love unconditionally without limits – without rules – without needing to be forgiven. Once you are able to close your eyes, see a loving image, and begin to receive that love deep in your heart,…..
Unconditional love. While working on returning to self-love, you are going to have to learn to receive unconditional love. You don’t have to beg or ask for forgiveness. You don’t have to apologize for being born. You just have to receive unconditional love. Also, there are no rules or limits on how much you can receive. See images of love. So, I want you to be able to close your eyes and see a loving image and receive the love…..
Pets and Self-Love Our Pets teach us so much. This week’s inspiration is beings that greatly improve our lives – make our lives fuller and add so much love. This inspiration is our beloved pets. Our pets are vitally important in our growth as well. They teach us what unconditional love feels like. I believe that our pets are here for one reason – to love us – to love us unconditionally. It is the way the universe makes sure that we…..
Meet Your Higher Self. A video that shows you how to meet your Higher Self and why it matters. What is a Higher Self? Why do I need to meet my Higher Self? What can my Higher Self give me? All of these questions are answered. I even explain how my Higher Self made herself known to me. Your Higher Self is your connection to the divine that resides within you and it can become your best friend helping move…..
A one-minute video highlighting that there is nothing that you need to do to receive unconditional love from the universe. You do not need to earn it or ask for forgiveness or prove that you deserve it. You exist so you are loved. Click here to listen. For more on self-love and your place within the universe check out my book The Heart Of The Matter. Until next time, be the light the…..