When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to look at your prejudices. Whether it’s towards other races, people who have a different language or religion, or perhaps they’re driving a different truck than you do. Time to look at your Prejudices. For instance, I did not have any particular racial prejudices, but I did have prejudices towards people who drove trucks with Confederate flags on the back. I did have prejudices against supposed rednecks. So I looked…..
When you’re working to return to self-love, you will have to practice some self-compassion. If you’ve lived on this planet longer than one breath, you most likely will have some regrets. Some decisions that you’ve made that, when you look back, they tend to cause you harm and pain. Now, the way to deal with regrets is through self-compassion. Looking back, understand that you did your best with what you knew at that time – especially from a place of…..