When working on returning back to self-love, you’re going to need to meet your Higher Self. Now, everyone has a Higher Self. It’s just that most people don’t even know it. Your higher self is the part of you that has never forgotten that it is one with the divine and carries within it all the knowledge and power of that love. It is your wise one. It is your one that can see 360°. It’s the one that can…..
Meet Your Higher Self (A piece of the divine)- I discuss in this video how we all have a higher self. It does not matter what religion you practice – What Faith you follow – We all have a Higher Self. Your “piece of the divine” can see the forest and the trees at the same time. It can see 360 degrees and always loves you unconditionally. I ask the listener to use their imagination (one of their tools) to…..
Higher Self Ego vs. Higher Self – When you are working on self-love, you will have to understand the difference between the Ego vs. Higher Self. It will always come to you with love and understanding. Your Higher Self will always have your back even when it highlights areas that you need to work on improving. It never yells or shouts but gently whispers allowing you the decision to follow its remarks or not. It will never blame you or…..
Meet Your Higher Self. A video that shows you how to meet your Higher Self and why it matters. What is a Higher Self? Why do I need to meet my Higher Self? What can my Higher Self give me? All of these questions are answered. I even explain how my Higher Self made herself known to me. Your Higher Self is your connection to the divine that resides within you and it can become your best friend helping move…..
One minute video on the importance of the Higher Self for self-love. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.