When working on finding your self-love, you will have to look at how you receive compliments or unexpected blessings. It will tell you a lot about where you are on your journey. Unexpected blessings I had a friend who I gave some New Year’s gifts from the dollar store. They literally cost me a dollar. I filled a bag full of them just to say thanks for being in my life. When my friend saw the bag, she seemed –…..
Unexpected blessings and compliments. The video stresses why we must stop saying no to the goodness being offered to us. It is the way the universe talks to us to remind us that we matter. Do you say no to compliments? Why would you say no to a genuine compliment to lift you and remind you that you are lovable, loving, and loved? Why would you say no to unexpected blessings? Unexpected blessing re the way the universe uses other…..