A spirited conversation with Bonnie Graham on my book How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live, Self-love, and more. I hope you enjoy it. Click to listen now Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
This interview is about How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live book and how you can move through loss and grief. I hope you enjoy it. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
Here is my interview I did on The Conversation with Klarque Garrison on Survival Radio Network last week. We talked abut my first book How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live covering some of the gifts and lessons I learned while helping my best friend deal with terminal cancer. I also previewed a bit about my upcoming book The Heart of the Matter – A Workbook and Guide to Finding ur Back to Self-Love. This book…..
McClung muses on the spiritual insights learned during the last six months of her best friend’s life in this debut memoir. The author ends each chapter with resonant questions for readers to ponder. McClung has written a thoughtful think piece that also serves as a touching tribute to “one of my greatest teachers during the worst times of her life.” McClung has written a thoughtful think piece that also serves as a touching tribute to “one of my greatest teachers…..
KIRKUS INDIE REVIEW (Oct 2016) TITLE INFORMATION HOW LEARNING TO SAY GOODBYE TAUGHT ME HOW TO LIVE Joffre McClung BalboaPress (166pp.) $30.95 hardcover $12.99 paperback 8.99 e-book ISBN 978-1-5043-3909-4; September 25, 2015 CLICK HERE TO ORDER BOOK REVIEW McClung muses on the spiritual insights learned during the last six months of her best friend’s life in this debut memoir. When McClung, just emerging from a two-year grieving process over her mother, found out that her best friend, Rob, had stage…..
Whenever I am asked what inspired me to write my book, How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live, I have to pause before answering. Many factors seemed to have conspired to get me to write this particular story. I have written in the past but usually screenplays or fictional stories. I enjoy writing not just for the creative outlet, but it gave me a chance to live inside my characters in situations removed from my daily…..