When working on returning back to self-love, you’re going to have to be brutally honest with yourself. To admit that you’re unable to receive love. Now I know a lot of people who give love freely. They give, and they give, and they give, and then they sit back and wait to see if they’re going to receive love in return. Now if they do receive love in return, they’re not able to allow it to touch their hearts. You…..
Understand love is a circle. When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to have to understand that love is a circle. Yes, you’re going to have to be able to give love, but you’re also going to have to be able to receive love in order to be whole. Giving love is tremendously powerful, but to receive love is the first thing you did on this planet as a small child when you were born. You received love for…..
One minute video on receiving love is important to self-love. I hope you enjoy it. Click to watch now. Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.
Self-love means practicing the art of receiving. If you want to feel loved and give from a place of that love, you must be willing to receive love, which means you must learn how to offer love to yourself. Compliment yourself when you do something well. Offer forgiveness to yourself when you feel you have done something wrong or “bad.” Congratulate yourself when you take a risk (no matter how it turned out). Have compassion for yourself when you act out…..
*Love is a circle, and both sides must be honored for you to truly experience the liberating power of love. When discussing love, we often focus on the ability to give with very little emphasis on the ability to receive. The old saying, “it is better to give than to receive,” is drilled into most of us at an early age. While giving is certainly an important component to living a loving fulfilled life, I feel it is only a…..