I am watching the divide happening in our world and the instigators of this divide practicing an ancient but reliable form of control: Divide and Conquer. Now we all know this method of war from school but what about how it is being played out within ourselves? What you see playing in the outer world always is being played out in our inner world as well. How many times have you had a dream that…..
Time to quit shaming people for not waking up on your schedule. It is hard not to lose your way with all the heated rhetoric. Yes, you must stand up for what you feel is morally good and loving. But what happens to that good and loving stance when you meet someone who was slow to come around? I watched different panels on TV berate a young man who had had the courage to admit he had made a mistake…..
FEELS LIKE OLD TIMES A young man writes a “memo” attacking women engineers as being not as bright as men because biology makes them “less”. A candidate running for Congress attacks a man from the press for asking a question he doesn’t like. The white house has close advisors who believe in conspiracies, white nationalism (racism), and that “might makes right.” Certain religious leaders embrace a president who pits Americans against each other for the chance to turn back the…..