Believe it or not, sometimes it is good to embrace ignorance. I was recently talking with a friend about statistics. She was appalled over some statics she had heard concerning women. I won’t go over them here because I don’t want to put any limits or negativity in people’s heads but lets just they were grim. The conversation got me thinking about the times I had dared to do things that I am sure if I had seen statistics on…..
I am watching the divide happening in our world and the instigators of this divide practicing an ancient but reliable form of control: Divide and Conquer. Now we all know this method of war from school but what about how it is being played out within ourselves? What you see playing in the outer world always is being played out in our inner world as well. How many times have you had a dream that…..
How good are you at imagining the worst-case scenarios? How good are you at using your emotions to build up fear or anger or despair? How good are you are at reinforcing the very beliefs that keep you and your dreams in a small box? There is nothing magical about how we create our lives. When we combine imagination with intense emotion backed by a supporting belief, we naturally draw the experiences into our lives that match that vibration. So whether…..
WISDOM is only gained through experience, but experience DOES NOT guarantee WISDOM. I have heard many people say, “I will never do such and such again,” or “I will know better next time.” And then, they find themselves right back in the same situation having learned nothing from the previous experience. Wisdom is not automatically bestowed because we are older or have done something many times. Wisdom requires the ability for self-reflection, the capacity for self-awareness, and…..
When we make decisions out of fear, no one wins! When was the last time you let fear dictate your actions? How did it turn out? Did it make your life better? Did it open you up to experiencing or creating more love in your life? Did it make you actually safer? Did it get you what you wanted? Fear is never the energy you want deciding your fate. It will only constrict your ability to see…..
How good are you at imagining the worst-case scenarios? How good are you at using your emotions to build up fear or anger or despair? There is nothing magical about how about how we create our lives. When we combine imagination with intense emotion we naturally draw the experiences into our lives that match that vibration. So whether you know it or not you have been a master at creating all of your life. However, what do you think would…..