We can’t change what we refuse to acknowledge, and we must acknowledge that violence has become a cancer on our country. To keep pretending that violence has not become a constant companion to humanity is allowing the cancer to become malignant. As Americans, we must own the truth, and as “spiritually awakening” individuals, we must take responsibility for our part in the glorifying and normalizing of violence. Why is it our movies are some of the most violent…..
If you are working on moving into Self-Love, start with what you are listening to! We all have inner voices or thoughts constantly flowing through our minds. Much like a radio station or channel we choose to listen to, we choose which voices or thoughts we give our attention to moment by moment. If you are listening to a program that makes you fearful or depressed, most sane people would simply change channels. So why don’t we do that with our…..
WISDOM is only gained through experience, but experience DOES NOT guarantee WISDOM. I have heard many people say, “I will never do such and such again,” or “I will know better next time.” And then, they find themselves right back in the same situation having learned nothing from the previous experience. Wisdom is not automatically bestowed because we are older or have done something many times. Wisdom requires the ability for self-reflection, the capacity for self-awareness, and…..
On the road to SELF-LOVE, you must come to the realization that no one is doing anything to you. Whether it is good, bad, or something in-between, you are doing it to yourself. It can be a hard one to own, but it is the truth. You are in charge of your life! You decide what you think and feel moment by moment. You decide if life is joyous or a grind. You decide if you are…..
The postive energy that you feel is lacking in the world must be the energy you consciously work with daily in your own life. If you feel no one is listening to one another, practice listening to those all around you especially those with whom you disagree. If you feel there is not enough kindness in the world, practice kindness with yourself and with all those around you especially those you aren’t sure deserve it. If…..
How good are you at imagining the worst-case scenarios? How good are you at using your emotions to build up fear or anger or despair? There is nothing magical about how about how we create our lives. When we combine imagination with intense emotion we naturally draw the experiences into our lives that match that vibration. So whether you know it or not you have been a master at creating all of your life. However, what do you think would…..
How would your life change if you understood that experiencing a loss was actually an opportunity to discover your power? LOSS SUCKS. It does not matter if it is a loss of a person, a dream, a relationship, or a job. It is painful and frightening. It can often feel as if you have entered a vast wasteland never to return. If you have experienced a loss, you know that every part of your being will be activated……