I was recently listening to a discussion on racism and the reasons for it. The number one reason given was fear: Fear of the unknown; Fear of losing power; Fear of losing what little one has. While I can certainly agree with all of these statements, I would like to add another to the mix: Fear that I am not good enough. In my explorations of Self-Love, I discovered and strongly believe many of us are walking around doing everything…..
PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TOWARDS MEN. As the light returns and the nights begin to grow shorter, let your light shine for all to see. The world needs your heart. So offer it freely to all you meet with no exceptions. Then and only then can “Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men” become our truth. It begins with you! You are more powerful than you realize. Your heart can change the world. Peace and Love to all. …..
SELF-TRUST is the knowing that no matter what your head is saying your heart will always choose love. There can be no self-trust without a solid foundation of SELF-LOVE. SELF-LOVE reveals the love that is always available within. SELF-TRUST is the belief that the love within will always guide you towards your greatest potential. It is impossible to trust yourself when you don’t love yourself. Heal your heart so it can be the compass of love…..