When working on returning to self-love, you are going to use your three tools to achieve your sense of self-love. Now the first tool we are going to talk about today is your imagination. Now we all have an imagination. A lot of us use it to worry or to make ourselves to be concerned that certain things are going to turn out a certain way. But when you use your imagination with meditation, then you can become your own healer or architect of your own life.
When you use your imagination with meditation, and meditation is simply focusing your attention, you are going to begin creating a safe, loving space. You are going to meet different parts of yourself that need your attention or love, or concern. You are going to use your imagination to meet your Higher Self or your guides. Imagination is key in returning to your sense of self-love.
So instead of using your imagination to create worry or concern, you are going to use your imagination to co-create what you want to experience in your life. So the first thing I want you to do is to use your imagination to create a safe, loving space with yourself. Now we are going to use this loving space to do a lot of our work – to heal our inner orphans – to meet our Higher Self – to meet our emotional body. You are going to begin by creating this safe, loving space first. I say safe and loving because those two energies are the energies you need to create that inner space where you feel safe, secure, and loved.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.