When working on returning to self-love, you’re going to find your way back to acceptance. I was recently talking to a group of people a group of transgender people and how they feel they don’t get any acceptance. I had to remind them that acceptance starts within. It doesn’t matter if someone else accepts you because what they’re showing you is their lack of self-love. Acceptance starts within.
You’ve got to go within and get to know yourself – all of yourself and let it be OK with who you are. Accept who you are and know that you are given everything you need for the journey before you. Therefore, who you are is more than good enough. Acceptance is key to self-love, but it starts within first. And then perhaps you will get it from the outside world, but it really won’t matter because you’ll have it from within first, and no one can take that away from you. It’s all about self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.