Bad Behavior and Safety nets. Our safety Nets are our go-to behavior whenever we feel afraid or unloved or not valued. We can go into control, or judgment, or needing to be right because we doubt who we are. We can judge to feel better about ourselves or to feel worse about ourselves. Control happens when we feel undervalued or unloved. We can force the need to be right when we fear we don’t matter. When you know that you are lovable, loving, and loved in the universe’s eyes then we can let go of our safety nets. People-pleasing is another safety net usually born out of the feeling that you are not lovable. So you please people so that you can receive love or safety. Safety nets were put into place to protect ourselves from the world we see as dangerous and unloving. It is time we let go of your bad behavior and safety nets because you are lovable, loving, and loved beyond measure.
For more info on self-love check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.