Be Brutally Honest – In order to find self-love, you are going to have to be honest. If it is a belief then understanding why you believe it. Who told you it was true? Is it still working in your favor? If your inner committee is active and making you judge or criticize yourself or judge and criticize another person, you have to be honest. Tell yourself that your inner committee is on overdrive and needs some of your attention instead of allowing it to dictate your behavior. If your old wounds are touched and causing you to act out, you have to be honest. You need to heal them rather than allowing them to guide you into trouble. In order to change things that are not working for you, you must be brutally honest.
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For more on self-love check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.