When working on returning back to self-love, you’re going to have to take your honesty to a new level. Most of us spend most of our lives lying to ourselves. It’s time to be honest with yourself. If you find that you’re angry with other people or cussing them out – telling them to screw off, you need to look underneath your anger. Because underneath your anger is what you need to heal. It is most likely hurt or fear.
Now, anger is an issue I’ve had to deal with all of my life. It has frightened me, but once you understand that underneath anger is fear or hurt, it takes some of the pressure of anger away from you. It’s time to be honest with yourself. If you find that you go to anger very quickly, you need to realize there’s something underneath that needs looking at. You need to take your honesty to a new level. It’s all about self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.