When working on finding your self-love, you will have to look at how you receive compliments or unexpected blessings. It will tell you a lot about where you are on your journey.
I had a friend who I gave some New Year’s gifts from the dollar store. They literally cost me a dollar. I filled a bag full of them just to say thanks for being in my life. When my friend saw the bag, she seemed – well – a bit appalled. She immediately said that some of the things in this bag must also be for me. I said no, they are for you. It is a way to say thanks for being in my life. And then, when she started to say I couldn’t accept all of these gifts, I immediately stopped her. Are you willing to tell the universe no thanks? I don’t want unexpected blessings. Now she is doing homework on herself, and she said no, of course, I want to receive unexpected blessings. I will say yes. I added yes, yes, yes, and more, please! That is how we should receive unexpected blessings – yes, yes, and more, please!
What about when you receive a compliment? Do you say oh no, I am not pretty or smart? We all did that as girls. In fact, I think we were raised that way. Well, that is ridiculous too. If you are receiving a compliment, the way I look at it is that the universe is using this person to talk to me. The universe reminds us that we are seen – that we matter and that we are worthy of love. I see it as a way the universe talks to us through compliments. So the next time you receive a compliment, don’t say no or become embarrassed. Instead, say thank you very much. I needed to hear those kind words today. That is a way to let the universe know you hear them, and yes, you want more of that. That is a much more loving way to treat yourself.
Compliments and unexpected blessings are how the universe tells us to remind us that we are loveable, loving, and loved. So the next time you receive a compliment or an unexpected blessing, say thank you, and yes, I want more of this, please.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.