Higher Self
Ego vs. Higher Self – When you are working on self-love, you will have to understand the difference between the Ego vs. Higher Self. It will always come to you with love and understanding. Your Higher Self will always have your back even when it highlights areas that you need to work on improving. It never yells or shouts but gently whispers allowing you the decision to follow its remarks or not. It will never blame you or shame you but kindly points to areas that need healing and compassion. The ego is very different. It almost always shouts. Your ego will tell you that everything that is wrong is someone else’s fault. It will point to who you should blame. The ego either points to others being at fault or it tells you that you did it all wrong. It will judge you and criticize you with no idea on how to improve. You have a choice: Believe in the ego or believe in the Higher Self. One will guide you with unconditional love and the other will blame you or others.
For more on self-love check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.