It is a time for parades, picnics, and fireworks. All of these things are fun and add much joy to our lives. But, first, I hope we take a moment and celebrate our democracy. It is something we should be very proud of and – rejoice that we have done it now for over 200 years.
The light gets brighter, but we need to celebrate our democracy and hold onto the belief that we deserve a healthy democracy.
We will find a robust democracy based on the good of all people, not just those in power. A Democracy where we can disagree but still respect each other – Where the weakest voice is equal to the strongest voice. A Democracy based on love, not the mightiest. I think this is something we can all celebrate during this month of July.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.