When working on returning to self-love, you must look at and transmute your inner committee. What do I mean by inner committee? We all have an inner committee that we listen to consciously or unconsciously. It is the inner voices that can play non-stop, and unfortunately, they are usually very negative. So, it would help if you changed the inner voices – the negative ones – with the opposing voices.
Let’s look at one we all have – the critic.
A part of you constantly criticizes everything you do – or maybe it only raises its head when you dare to go for a dream or step out of your lane. In any case, you have an inner critic that you want to take your power back. Call in your critic and take a moment to feel their energy. What does it do to you? How does it make you feel? Most likely, you will feel a bit drained. Then I want to stop listening or focusing on the critic and call in the opposite voice.
Changing your inner negative voice.
This is where the real work begins. You may not hear the opposite voice, but you will use your imagination. For me, my critic became my cheerleader. Instead of punishing me with negative criticism- I suddenly had a cheerleader cheering me on -shouting that I could do it – saying I was more than good enough – that I was smart enough. We usually have three to five inner voices running the mental show.
See what inner voices need changing.
You could have the critic criticizing everything you are doing, which I already discussed. Perhaps it is the judge – judging what other people are doing and keeping you in a negative state. The inner judge decides they are talking about me, or that look on their face means they disapprove of me or don’t care what I have to say. My judge’s opposite became my discerner. It has a softer, more loving voice and offers me information so I can make better choices without blaming others. My hopeless one became my hopeful one, making the tougher times much easier than listening to the hopeless one. It is time to change your inner voices to more loving, supportive voices – voices that have your back rather than stabbing you in the back.