In this video, I stress why you need to change your negative beliefs instead of making resolutions you rarely keep.
In changing your negative beliefs, I share a story about elephants and how a small rope kept them from running away. This begins on babies, and as they grow up the same rope is used. Knowing they can not break free as babies, they assume they cannot as adults. They end up having a fixed mindset.
We all form our negative beliefs in several ways. first by parents teaching us what to believe is possible. Next, our religious and school teachers shape our beliefs. And finally, what we experience causes us to decide if it happened twice it will always happen. Therefore, we create our fixed mindset by early adolescence and this causes us to need to change our negative beliefs.
I share how I change beliefs by feeling what they are doing to me – by listening to how my Higher Self sees me – by expanding what unconditional love feels and looks like. I even explain how when you change a negative belief the box you live in expands and will continue to expand with each new belief.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.