How would your life change if you understood that experiencing a loss was actually an opportunity to discover your power?
LOSS SUCKS. It does not matter if it is a loss of a person, a dream, a relationship, or a job. It is painful and frightening. It can often feel as if you have entered a vast wasteland never to return.
If you have experienced a loss, you know that every part of your being will be activated. Your ego will be on over-drive. Any unhealed wounds will bubble to the surface. Beliefs that you have held on to tightly will begin to unravel. So rather than trying to put everything back together the way it was as fast as you can use the energy you are experiencing to strip away what has kept you from loving yourself and living a life always centered around that love. “During times of loss, you can discover who you were meant to be before time and the world made you forget.” There is a reason that I begin and end my book, How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught Me How to Live, with that quote because it is true; I have experienced it myself. The first step toward reclaiming that forgotten self is to take responsibility for what is going on inside of you.
Stay in your power by letting loss turn you into a detective of your life. Be willing to investigate, interrogate, and eventually integrate everything going on inside of you.
If you will take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions and do the inner work, you will come out of the crisis with more than when you entered it!
Until next time, be the light the world needs and stay in love for all!
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