Compassion Breeds Compassion. When working on returning to self-love, as I have said before, you are going to have to own your demons. The gift of owning your inner demons is compassion. You see, when you own your inner bully or your inner jealous one, you look back and understand that you behaved that way because of your lack of self-love – Your lack of feeling valuable or that you matter or are worthy of love.
Compassion is waiting to be found. And when you are able to look back and realize that you did this out of your lack of self-love, you get a sense of compassion for yourself. And when you get a sense of compassion for yourself, you automatically share that compassion with others who may have harmed you. Compassion Breeds Compassion. You see, how we treat ourselves is how we are going to treat other people. If you are loving and compassionate with yourself, you will be that way with others too. It is all about self-love, people.
For more, check out my books, The Heart of the Matter or How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have love for all.