“Faith sees best in the dark.” Faith is rarely used when experiencing a good life or a successful time or falling in love. However, when we find ourselves in the dark going through tough times, faith steps up beside us -gently holding our hand- so that we know we are not alone. Faith becomes our best friend during these times. It keeps us company, having our back, and reminding us that the good times are not over. It keeps us believing that we can get through these times and that we are not alone.
Faith reminds me that I believe that life is in my favor in my heart of hearts. So when my life looks upside down and fear runs rampant, faith calmly reminds me that if I believe that life is in my favor, life is still in my favor even during the tough times. If I believe that the universe is on my side and loves me unconditionally, then even during the tough times, I am still loved unconditionally, and the universe is on my side.
And I still have mustard seeds of faith in my dreams. I still believe that you can have your dreams happen at any time. Only people decide it is too late – not the universe. Only people decide that you only get three strikes, then you are out. The universe puts no limits on how many times we can go for a dream. And only the universe knows when the best time is for your dream to happen.
You learn that you are not a victim thrown down here to struggle and endure. That you are not a victim – having dreams that always remain out of reach. You are not a victim that is be bombarded by emotions that will take your power away from you. You learn that you are not a victim at all but that you are actually an empowered being playing this game of consciousness. Faith can remind us of this fact.
And this is where faith steps in. You also knew you were going to hit tough times, dark times, times that would take your breath away, and so you put a hefty dose of faith in the brew, so to speak. Faith reminds us we have a choice during the tough times to either allow the tough times to take us down, to overwhelm us, or to make us feel impotent. Or to use the tough times to see the power that faith possesses. As Kierkegaard said, “Faith sees best in the dark,” which is why we brought this friend with us on this journey and why this quote is an inspiration to me.
For more on self-love, check out my books The Heart Of The Matter and How Learning To Say Goodbye Taught Me How To Live.
Until next time, be the light the world needs and have a love for all.